H.M. Konungens pressuttalande i samband med statsbesök från Konungariket Nederländerna
Kungl. Slottet, Stockholm
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Your Majesties,
Media representatives,
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Queen and I are honoured to welcome the King and Queen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Sweden.
The diplomatic relations between Sweden and the Netherlands go back to the 17th century.
Today, our countries have an intensive exchange in many different sectors of society.
We also have close people-to-people contacts: about 9 000 Swedes live in the Netherlands, including the many students at Dutch Universities, and there are about 10 000 Dutch citizens living in Sweden.
Our countries are similar in many ways:
First, we are likeminded in our steadfast support for the rule of law in international relations and to the fulfilment of human rights.
Second, we cooperate closely on global affairs, and we are likeminded on many important EU matters. This will be of great value during the Swedish EU Presidency in the coming spring.
Thirdly, we are united in our ambitious efforts to curb climate change, and in finding new solutions to adapt to its consequences.
To name one example, the Netherlands has an impressive history of engineering large-scale water management solutions. I am convinced that we can learn a lot from each other in this and other areas – and that both our countries will benefit from the strong cooperation between our businesses, academia, and government agencies.
Dutch-Swedish cooperation spans over more than four centuries, beginning in 1614, when our nations signed a treaty to join forces on defence, trade and maritime affairs. I am pleased that during this state visit, steps will be taken to further strengthen our partnership on defence and security, as well as on life science and sustainable transportation.
Your Majesties, let us use these coming days the best way we can, to deepen and develop the friendship and cooperation between our countries. Her Majesty and I look forward to having you as our guests! Welcome!