H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal i samband med besök vid UN-City
Köpenhamn, Danmark
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Your Royal Highnesses,
Madam Under Secretary General,
Ladies and gentlemen
First of all, a warm thank you for inviting us here to UN City today.
I look forward to hearing more about your important work.
This really is a fascinating place: an embodiment of the “One UN”- approach, facilitating learning and cooperation between different agencies.
It is also one of the most sustainable buildings in Scandinavia, and a great example of innovation as a key to progress.
No doubt, you, our Danish friends, have made an important contribution by making this establishment possible.
In 2016, I had the honour of being appointed by the United Nations’ Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as an Advocate to promote the Global Sustainable Development Goals.
Today, I am an Advocate Alumni. Working to promote the Goals has been, and is, a most meaningful task – and a great privilege.
One key insight for me, personally, has been the crucial role of innovation in building a better future:
– A future where cities are safe and sustainable.
– Where everyone has the chance to live a healthy life.
– And where safe, nutritious and sufficient food is accessible to all.
Ladies and gentlemen, 2030 is not far away.
If we are to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals, we need companies that are not just adapting to change, but leading it.
We need companies with the will and the skill to make a true difference.
And we need a closer co-operation between the UN system and private enterprise.
Sweden is already a major donor to the UN system.
Now, it is also becoming an even more active partner in promoting partnerships.
And it is with great interest that I follow the creation of Global Innovation Centres.
Once again, thank you for hosting us today.
I am especially glad to be here in the company of the Swedish business delegation, representing the strong Swedish commitment to Agenda 2030.
It is my sincere hope that this visit may be a starting point for new and productive partnerships for a better, more sustainable future!
Thank you.