H.M. Drottningens tal vid World's Children's Prize 10-årsjubileum
Stadshuset, Stockholm
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Dear children,
We have all shared a fantastic experience this evening.
With all my heart I would like to thank you for what you have given us. It has been a journey filled with sadness and tears, but also with joy, laughter, and most of all of hope!
I remember ten years ago when I at the first Award Ceremony of the World's Children's Prize met the members of the Children's Jury, and learnt how children all over the world are involved with the World's Children's Prize.
It has been my great pleasure meeting you all annually; the jury children, the prize laureates - who are doing such magnificent work for the respect of the rights of the child, and the performing children.
The rights of a child are so important! I share your demand for them to be respected.
During its first ten years the World's Children's Prize has educated and empowered millions of children on their rights, and made it possible for them to voice their opinion on how these rights are to be respected. I must say that you have done an outstanding job.
I congratulate the World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child on what it has achieved for the world's children during its first ten years of existence.
I am looking forward to see the World's Children's Prize grow and continue its important mission, and I wish all the best for the years to come.
Thank you and good luck!