H.M. Konungens middagstal i samband med Vattenfall Energy and Climate Seminar
Stockholms statshus
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is with great pleasure I would like to thank you for an interesting day and a wonderful dinner and evening.
One hundred years ago, in 1909, the Royal Vattenfall was founded to develop hydro power and produce electricity in Sweden. From that moment Vattenfall has grown to become one of the largest Swedish enterprises in Europe.
Since the beginning of Vattenfall our family has followed the development of the company with great interest. The tradition goes back to my great-grandfather, King Gustav V, who took part in the inauguration of Vattenfall´s first hydro power station - Olidan - in Trollhättan in 1910.
1956 when I followed my mother, Princess Sibylla, to inaugurate the Näverede-Stugun power station in Jämtland, I climbed up to the top of the generator and became an “engine man of honour" - “hedersmaskinist" at ten years of age. Perhaps my interest in power and climate issues started at that point.
Some years ago Crown Princess Victoria inaugurated a new waste-fired heat plant in Uppsala. And last year I inaugurated the wind power park Lillgrund in the southern part of Sweden.
These examples give us hope that it is possible to combine the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with economic growth.
Energy supply is one of the most important issues for humanity to solve. We need to support each other for sustainable solutions for the future. Tackling climate change will require leadership and commitment, and Vattenfall has shown awareness for the future. Clean energy must be part of the future and I welcome all efforts in this area - also in the next 100 years.
With these words said, please join me in a toast for Vattenfall and your fine example of an Energy and Climate Week.