H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal på "Barntåget"
Belgrad, Serbien
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
First of all, I would like to thank you for having invited me to Serbia.
It is a pleasure for me to, once again, cut the ribbon to open this important exhibition with a great message, which says:
“All people have equal rights and there must be a place for everybody in our democratic societies."
This message is about inclusion - inclusion of all citizens, even those of us who live with physical or mental challenges, but also senior citizens that need aid in their everyday life.
It is our common responsibility to ensure that these challenges are met and that all people in our society have the possibility to live a fulfilling life.
In Sweden, equality is a fundamental cornerstone of our democracy. The exhibition is about sharing this experience with our friends — this time in Belgrade.
I ONI SU TU ! (=De är också här)
By this I wish you luck and inspiration in your important work and declare the exhibition open.
Thank you.