HM The King's speech at security seminar in connection with state visit from France
Karlberg Palace, Stockholm
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Mr President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We live in troubled times. The world is facing several parallel crises.
Russia's brutal war of aggression against Ukraine has changed Europe in many ways. It has first and foremost created great suffering for the Ukrainian people.
But, Russia’s aggression has also led to Europe acting together. Together, the EU has imposed sanctions and supported Ukraine in its fight for freedom. Our cooperation within the EU is stronger than perhaps ever before. We support Ukraine. And our support is long-term. The people of Ukraine shall know that we admire their courage and support them.
For Sweden, Russia’s war on Ukraine has led to a major change in our security policy.
We are leaving a policy of non-alignment in order to become part of an alliance. In the meantime, until we are full members of Nato, Sweden has also received security guarantees from France and other countries.
For this we are, of course, deeply grateful.
The situation in the world is worrying in many ways.
My family and I, like many others, were deeply shocked by Hamas's horrific attack on the many innocent civilians in Israel. Sweden and the world has condemned these brutal attacks.
Many of us are now following developments closely in the region. It is a very difficult situation, especially in Gaza. Daily, we are thinking of the families of all the innocent civilian victims – including the many children.
Furthermore, the situation in our immediate neighbourhood in the Arctic and the Baltic Sea also requires us to be vigilant.
Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very much looking forward to listening to today's seminar on our common challenges.
With my experience, I know that we must learn from history. It requires a long-term perspective, and it requires cooperation between friends and friendly nations.
Thank you very much!