HM The Queen's speech at Mentor Arabia's General Assembly Meeting
Amman, Jordan
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Your Royal Highness,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to be here in Amman for Mentor Arabia’s third General Assembly.
Protecting children and adolescents from harm has been my life’s work. In 1994, I founded Mentor International together with members of the World Health Organization.
Our purpose was to empower youth globally – helping them to navigate the transition to adulthood in a healthy and positive way – free from drugs and addiction.
Twelve years later, in 2006, Mentor Arabia was established. This was a direct response to alarming research that was brought to light at the Arab and International Scientific Forum in Dubai 2004. It was clear then, and it is clear now: Mentor is needed.
Ladies and gentlemen:
A global pandemic. Environmental emergencies. Escalating conflicts, with severe effects on food and energy security;
Our world is facing many challenges – challenges that weigh heavy on young people trying to find their way in life.
Still, through all this turmoil, there has been – and always will be – one constant: Youth need positive support from strong adult role models. This is Mentor International’s raison d'être. Whether we have an environmental emergency or political unrest, youth need positive role models, and Mentor is there to provide that.
Dear members of the Mentor family: Last night’s festivities and this morning’s assembly is an acknowledgement of the difference you have made, and will continue to make, for the youth of Jordan and other Arab countries.
However, this meeting is also a reminder, that we need to continue to expand our engagement with and for youth, with Mentor programs that offer positive alternatives to violence, crime, and drugs.
Let me emphasize, long-term partnerships are key to Mentor’s success. If it weren’t for our dedicated Trustees and corporate partners, business leaders and entrepreneurs, who have been with us since the beginning, Mentor would not be the philanthropic resource that it is today. Our partnerships not only help fund, but also shape our work.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have supported Mentor in our mission. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to the Mentor Arabia advisors, advocates, Board of Trustees, staff, and volunteers for their unwavering dedication to promoting more resilient, prosperous societies in the Arab region, especially Jordan.
I would like to express my special gratitude to HRH Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, Dr Farida Allaghi, and Secretary General Thuraya Ismail for their tireless work in building Mentor Arabia into a strong, impactful organization with so much heart.
To all of you who are engaged in Mentor: thank you for your support. We have made a difference for so many. Now, let us continue to build a world with resilient youth that will flourish – for many generations to come.
Thank you.