HM The King's speech of thanks at the banquet of the
Swedish-Brittish Chamber Of Commerce
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Your Majesty,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Her Majesty and I would like to thank the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for this fulfilling day of events.
This morning, the Queen and I had the pleasure to attend the Impact conference. With its sustainability theme, the conference offered valuable perspectives on solutions to one of the main challenges of our time.
In this area, many Swedish companies are at the forefront. I know that some of the companies present tonight were also in Glasgow for COP26 last year. I also listened with interest to the remarks by the COP-President Mr. Alok Sharma from the British Government.
At tonight’s Gala Dinner, we focus on the importance of Swedish-British relations. Like so many Swedes, I am myself a person who appreciates the British culture and who has spent much time here with friends and family.
In 1905, my grandfather, Prince Gustaf Adolf, married the British Princess Margaret at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor. Princess Margaret, called Daisy, would become my grandmother. And though she passed away very young, many years before I was born, I know that she was a much loved member of our family, and her memory is still cherished.
Since its foundation over 100 years ago, the Chamber of Commerce – actually, the largest Swedish Chamber in the world – has contributed greatly to strengthening Swedish-British relations.
This has also been the purpose of this visit. Whether it be in the field of the Life Sciences and innovation, culture and music, business or security, the collaboration and exchange between our two countries brings great benefits.
In the area of the Life Sciences in particular, I am delighted to have participated this morning in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Sweden and the United Kingdom. The MoU is a milestone for the Swedish-British relationship. It is also a stepping-stone for further collaboration between two world-leading innovation nations.
Following developments in recent years, deepening cooperation between our two countries is and will be of continued importance.
As we are all aware, Europe has seen dramatic changes in its security environment during the last months. In light of these developments, Sweden and the United Kingdom have recently confirmed our already strong bonds.
The Queen and I hope that tonight’s Gala Dinner will contribute to strengthened Swedish-British collaboration and relations.
So, once again – thank you to everyone at the Chamber of Commerce!