HM the Queen's speech at the conference Rare Diseases a Global Priority for Equity at Expo 2020 Dubai
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Ladies and gentlemen.
Dear Friends celebrating the Rare Disease Day at Expo 2020 in Dubai.
First, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all of you who have been involved in the preparation of the UN Resolution for persons living with a rare disease and their families.
Thanks to your great efforts, the resolution was adopted on December the 16th at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Ever since I had the pleasure to inaugurate Agrenska Foundations centre in 1989, I have followed your work closely.
And as a proud Honorary Patron for the NGO Committee for Rare Diseases, I can say this from my heart:
I have seen your hard work.
I have seen your dedication.
And I have seen the difference it makes – for persons living with rare diseases, and for their loved ones.
The theme of today’s conference is “Rare Diseases a Global Priority for Equity”. We must remember, that for 300 million people worldwide – and for their families – every day is Rare Disease Day. And while they are many, they are much too often alone.
So, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming together here today. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your experience in order to improve the lives of everyone living with a rare disease.
I look forward to following your important work, and I wish you the best of luck with today’s conference!
Thank you.