HM The Queen's greeting to CATCH/CHILD10 launch event
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Eminent Child10 Awarded Members,
During the ongoing pandemic, sexual exploitation of children has increased. Perpetrators all over the world have quickly adapted to the new circumstances and vulnerabilities of children.
Poverty, dysfunctional home situations and limited access to school and social services around the world have put children at particular risk, especially through online recruitment and online exploitation.
Digitalization has opened up a new world of possibilities in how we connect with each other. It has made it easier for children to explore, learn and connect with other children. But it has also made it easier for traffickers and perpetrators to reach them. Traffickers are quick to utilize digital tools and social media to recruit and lure children into exploitation. As a global community we need to increase our efforts to make the internet a safe place for children to connect, learn and to be curious.
My Foundation, “Care About the Children”, has since the beginning been working hard to support and ensure protection of the most vulnerable of children through collaborations. We have been fortunate to meet numerous, fantastic organizations throughout the world working to ensure the safety and support for child victims of sexual exploitation.
But as the number of exploited children is constantly increasing we need to do more – and we need to do it together.
The work that you do as Child10 Awarded Members is very important, and we can all be inspired by your strong commitment to protect children.
I am proud that my foundation has been given the opportunity to support the work of Child10 and the ten exceptional, selected organizations here today.
Congratulations on your dedicated and impactful work to combat trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children throughout Europe and my warmest congratulations to you on becoming Child10 Awarded Members. I look forward to closely following your work.
Thank you and the best of luck!