HRH Crown Princess Victoria's speech at the opening of Design S
Athens, Greece
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Mr President, Excellencies, Mr Eugenides, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure visiting Greece and Athens once again.
Five years ago in September 2004, I had the opportunity to spend a few days here during the Paralympics Games and I was impressed then by the friendly atmosphere and the beauty of the historical city.
Earlier today, I had the privilege of visiting one of the recently added attractions in Athens, the magnificent New Acropolis Museum, which I am convinced will increase even further the interest worldwide in the rich Greek culture and history.
This time my visit coincides with the Swedish Presidency of the European Union.
Apart from dealing with all the topics on the EU agenda, the Presidency term also brings a great opportunity to promote Sweden in general and to make people abroad discover our fantastic country and what we among other things can provide in terms of business, culture and nature.
Hence, I gladly accepted the invitation to come here tonight for the official opening of the Design S exhibition, which also marks the start of a number of various activities related to Sweden and the European Union Presidency.
Mr President, Excellencies, Mr Eugenides, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I now have the honour to declare the exhibition Design S open. I hope that it will contribute to an increased interest in Swedish design and provide a common ground for further friendly and open bilateral cooperation between our two countries.
Thank you!