HRH Crown Princess Victoria's speech at the Banquet on H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf's 60th birthday
Royal Palace, Stockholm
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Your Majesty
Kära Pappa
Eleven years ago, when I turned 18, I delivered a speech, in which I promised to do my very best, as a Crown Princess, to help out with what I can in sharing your official duties.
I am lucky to have you and Mom as teachers and role models.
When you became King, in 1973, you were not as fortunate as I am today. You had no Father or Mother to lean against.
Many might wonder where you find your inspiration and strength
I´m convinced you have looked around widely to find your role models.
By now I think I have traced a few of them.
As a Man of Outdoor Life,
as a man of the woods, the mountains, the waters and the wideopen landscape I am sure you feel some kinship with the King of the forest: the Moose - Älgen.
Like him you bear your Crown with elegance, enjoy the nature more than the tarmac - and express yourself eloquently - also in silence.
As a Man of Sports,
you admire the sportsmen and- women of our country. Their successes give you outbursts of joy - far beyond Your Royal dignity.
Those sportsmen and- women have certainly been your heroes when you - so far with limited success - in ski slopes and ski tracks have tried to make Olympic champs of your children.
As a Man of Action,
you are well known for having more energy than anyone else.
One of your predecessors on the Swedish throne, Gustav III, reached out to the artists and creative people of His time.
I think He has served as a role model for you, although time and personalities differ.
To balance heritage with contemporary culture is your trademark of action. With respect for the achievements of the past you make your imprint for the future.
Last, but not least,
you find inspiration and strength in all what Sweden stands for. You love your country, its nature, people and traditions.
Maybe that is what so many of us can sense and feel. That is why you are appreciated and respected.
You are honoured here tonight where we have gathered for your 60th anniversary dinner.
We are here to celebrate
A Man of Outdoor Life
A Man of Sports
A Man of Action
A King for His Family
A King for His time
A King for His People
Let me propose a toast for His Majesty the King of Sweden.
My father.