HM The Queen's opening speech at the 4th Dementia Forum X summit, ”A Dementia Journey”
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Madams First Ladies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a pleasure to welcome so many international friends, from so many walks of life, perspectives and disciplines to share this moment as we open Dementia Forum X 2021.
This is the fourth time that Dementia Forum X is being organized from Stockholm, Sweden. And the theme for this year’s summit is “A Dementia Journey”.
If previous Dementia Forum X events have aimed to raise the discussion of dementia to the forefront and to engage diverse members of society to partake in the solutions, 2020 proved that we cannot rest on our laurels.
On the contrary; In the last year, the ongoing pandemic has put an enormous strain on the health and well-being of so many people around the world – not least those living with dementia.
It is more important now than ever that we come together, collectively, to address the enormous challenges of dementia and other diseases of cognitive decline.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
The pandemic has caused much suffering and grief. And yet, let us also remember the moments of hope and light:
All the stories of people selflessly helping others.
Family members finding new ways to stay in touch through digital means.
An overall gentler and kinder spirit that comes with the gravity of what we are experiencing together, as a community.
Indeed, the importance of community cannot be understated. We are intrinsically linked to one another and our survival depends on our ability to help those who may not be able to help themselves, nor be able to repay that favour.
This is the core of our human connection, and it is my sincere hope that this is what we take with us, in our hearts and minds, as we move towards more stable times ahead.
At Dementia Forum X, you too are a community: Grassroots organizations, business and finance stakeholders, researchers and care professionals – collaborating successfully across borders and disciplines.
I would like to thank all of you for participating in this Forum. I sincerely hope that the coming three days will bring new inspiration and energy to our efforts to improve the lives of people living with dementia diseases.
Thank you – and the best of luck with this year’s Dementia Forum X!