HM The King's opening speech at World Scout Foundation Virtual Investor Seminar
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Friends of Scouting
As honorary chairman for the last 43 years, it is a great pleasure to be part of this first-ever virtual Investor Seminar.
I think we all look forward to the day when we can travel again, and meet face to face. But as we all know, that is not an option right now.
However, on the bright side: I am glad that this virtual form of meeting makes it possible for all of you to join us today.
2020 has indeed been a very different year. The covid-19 pandemic affects everyone, everywhere.
As a result of the pandemic and its effects, the whole Scouting movement has had to reinvent itself. We have seen new initiatives such as the World Scout Academy, Scouting at Home, Special Edition JOTI, and more.
During the covid-19 pandemic, Scouts have undertaken – and are still undertaking – remarkable actions to support the most vulnerable in our society. Today, we will hear more about some of these projects.
The Scouts who will talk to us today come from Somalia, Canada, Tunisia, USA and Ethiopia. Very different parts of the world.
But these young men and women have one important thing in common: Each one of them is living proof that Scouting changes lives for the better. Both for the young Scouts themselves, and for the people living in the communities that they serve.
Ladies and gentlemen, Scouting makes a difference. And by supporting this movement, we are investing in the future.
Now, I look forward to hearing from our young Scouts!
Thank you – carry on!