HM The King's speech at the 3rd Ministerial Conference on Road Safety
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Your Royal Highness,
Your Excellences,
Ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to Stockholm and Sweden.
50 years ago, in 1970, more than 200 Swedish children lost their lives in road traffic accidents. According to the latest available statistics, that number is now down to 16.
Of course, 16 is still not zero, but it is a lot better than 200.
For many decades, politicians, civil society and industry have worked together, fostering innovative solutions that have made Swedish traffic safer for everyone. However, as proud as we are of our accomplishments in this field, there is still much more to be done. And to learn!
Through the years, I have done quite a lot of driving myself; both here in Stockholm and across Europe. One thing becomes apparent on these long drives through different countries: Just like traffic is cross-border, so are the challenges that traffic poses. Especially as the number of people and vehicles increase.
This is why it is so important to come together, like you are doing here today, to exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas from all over the world.
It is an honour for Sweden to host this 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. I am pleased to see so many high-level decision makers and experts gathered here in Stockholm. Your participation is proof that there is a strong global commitment for improved road safety.
This conference also represents an opportunity to link the road safety challenge to other sustainability challenges, such as climate change, health, equality, poverty and human rights.
We need to tackle these challenges together. And we need to remember that the overwhelming majority of road traffic deaths and injuries are preventable.
Ladies and gentlemen, once again welcome to Stockholm and Sweden. I wish you all a successful conference!