HM The King's speech at ”150th Anniversary Dinner”
Tokyo, Japan
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Your Majesty,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Today, many new contacts have been established. And important issues have been discussed.
In a rapidly changing world, Swedish and Japanese businesses face similar challenges. Both our countries have global companies that have existed for many generations. How can these stay competitive in the world of today, and tomorrow? And how can start-ups contribute to creating new business opportunities?
Digitalization is transforming our societies. Innovation is the key to staying ahead. But also, the key to a sustainable development. To achieve this, we need to make best possible use of talent and creativity.
Earlier today, Her Majesty the Queen attended the opening of the first international Dementia Forum X. As a meeting place for ideas and stakeholders, the conference aims to find new, innovative solutions to improve the lives of those living with dementia.
The Forum is an outstanding example of how global challenges require global cooperation. We need to form alliances in a broad spectrum of areas; strategic partnerships to support and complement each other.
Ladies and gentlemen. The turnout to today’s Business Summit is a testament to a strong will to work more closely together. And after all, isn’t that the best way to celebrate our 150 years of relations? To plan ahead, and to build ever stronger ties for the future.
Let me thank all of you tonight for having participated in this celebration of 150 years of relations between Japan and Sweden.
I would, in particular, like to thank all those who have organized today’s meeting and dinner. A special word of gratitude to the Japan Association of Corporate Executives.
Her Majesty and I share a great affection for Japan. Every time we come here, we learn something new about this fascinating country: Its unique history and culture. Its remarkable technological development.
We look forward to continuing the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.
Thank you!