HM The Queen's speech at the conference of the World Childhood Foundation in Leipzig
Leipzig, Germany
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Dear Minister Klepsch,
Dear Minister Regner,
Dear chancellor Professor Schücking,
Dear Mayor Jung,
Dear guests,
It is a great pleasure for me to be in Leipzig in the Audimax today and I thank the University from my heart for its hospitality and the wonderful support of the World Childhood Foundation.
As you all may know, the World Childhood Foundation, which I founded, is occupied with protecting, defending and restoring children's rights. Childrens’ rights, which even nowadays in some areas of our society are regarded insufficiently. Children, who have been victims of violence or abuse, for example, especially need the protection of their rights. And it is the task of all concerned parties, to provide the help, they need as victims as gently as possible. And if it should be necessary, all professionals should see to it in a cautious and child-friendly way, that children are able to discharge their role as witness.
Today, we have seen very clearly, what burdensome situations those children, who have become a victim, have to deal with. The description, we saw in the little film and we got from you, Ms. Bassler and you, dear panel guests, have really touched me. I thank you for that.
We all know, that it is not easy to organize both, help and forensic investigation having the wellbeing of a child in mind. Some parameters seem to be a hinderance at first glance. But if we succeed in exhausting all possibilities in a consistent and competent way, a first step is made.
Your example of the Barnahus-Model, dear Professor Svedin, bolsters me up. Thank you very much for your presentation. I would also like to thank Prof. Kiess and Mrs Richter-Unger for their upcoming presentations!
I remember very vividly, when I first visited the Barnahus in Island and I saw the nice and child-friendly atmosphere! This was the reason for me helping to bring the Barnahus to Sweden.
The model shows, that it is possible, to bring all involved parties together to the same table. It is possible to coordinate help for children and to organize forensic interviewing in a child-friendly way, and not as an additional burden to a child.
I am especially pleased, that the World Childhood Foundation recently got an application by the Clinic and Polyclinic for child and youth medicine in Leipzig. Currently, it is examined by our boards. We are excited to hear, that the clinic aimes at further improving the situation of children, turns its eyes to children's needs and wants to set out for building up an institution in Germany learning from all the good examples of a Barnahus-Model. The World Childhood Foundation will accompany you in doing so!
Thank you.