HRH Crown Princess Victoria's speech at Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Stockholm Junior Water Prize finalists,
The Stockholm Junior Water Prize final gathers the world's most creative young minds. It is truly inspiring to see all of you here today.
Nearly one billion people have no access to clean water. This and the lack of good hygiene practices result, according to Water Aid, in death of over two million people every year. Your engagement is admirable and utterly needed.
Over the years I have experienced that innovative ideas you contribute with in this competition, not only advance water knowledge and have potential to solve water-related challenges, they have also been an eye-opener and given med hope for the future. Your minds and dedication are needed. The world needs clean water.
The world needs your often unexpected ideas on how to use our scarce water resources in a sustainable, efficient and clever way.
It is time to let the ceremony begin. Remember you are all winners!