The Crown Princess visits Notre-Dame and the Swedish House in Paris

On Tuesday 7 December, The Crown Princess was in Paris where she visited the reconstruction of the Notre-Dame Cathedral and attended the Swedish House's 90th anniversary celebrations.

The Crown Princess at Notre-Dame in Paris.

The Crown Princess at Notre-Dame in Paris. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

The Crown Princess began the day by visiting Notre-Dame. There, she learnt about the work to rebuild the cathedral following the fire in April 2019.

The Swedish House in Paris

The Crown Princess then visited the Swedish House in Paris. The Swedish House was built in 1931, and receives almost 100 students and researchers each year who need accommodation.

During her visit, The Crown Princess spoke with some of the Swedish students staying there. The Crown Princess then listened to a concert by pianist Mattias Nilsson and three music students staying at the Swedish House. The performing students were from Tunisia, Brazil and Sweden.

The Crown Princess spoke with students and researchers staying at the Swedish House in Paris.

The Crown Princess spoke with students and researchers staying at the Swedish House in Paris. Photo: Pelle T Nilsson/SPA