H.K.H. Kronprinsessans hälsning vid lanseringen av UNDP Human Development Report 2020
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Excellences, ministers, ladies and gentlemen,
I am delighted to inaugurate the launch of UNDP’s 2020 Human Development Report.
But first, I wish to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Human Development Report.
In the thirty years since this report was first published, it has continued to broaden our understanding of human progress. It has taught us that development is about so much more than economic growth – it is about opportunity, agency and realising the potential of every human being.
And over those three decades, incredible progress has been made across the world – on education, health, life expectancy and more.
However, we are now putting this progress at risk – with our own actions. Climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity… From the deepest ocean to the highest mountain, there isn’t a single corner of the planet that is unaffected by us humans.
The good news is that it is not yet too late to address these challenges. And, as this report shows, human development is a key part of the solution.
As an Alumni Advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals, I want to underline that the Sustainable Development Goals are still within our reach – but now is the time for action, not later.
Ladies and gentlemen. The corona crisis has had great adverse effects on economic, social and environmental development. On critical targets of the sustainable development goals, progress has stalled.
However, perhaps we can also learn something from this turbulent year.
In a very short time, people all over the world have changed the way they work, communicate and do business.
Massive resources have been allocated to fighting the pandemic.
And thanks to scientific collaboration, on a scale never seen before, we now have better tests, better treatments, and vaccines that will hopefully prove to be effective.
It seems that the old saying is true: “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
I hope so – and I hope we can let that same sense of urgency and collective responsibility guide us, as we choose a wiser and more resilient path for humanity.
Thank you.