H.M. Konungens välkomstanförande, Global Child Forum Partner Advisory Board
Kungliga slottet
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to Stockholm and the Royal Palace!
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Global Child Forum and the 30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
With your help, we have come a long way.
So far, six Global Forums have been held here at the Royal Palace and four Regional Forums around the world. Furthermore, well over 40 research reports, case studies, toolkits and guides have been published.
Dear friends. Her Majesty the Queen and I would like to thank you for sharing our vision – and the vision of Global Child Forum: a world where children’s rights are protected and supported by all parts of society.
You contribute not only financially, but also by sharing your insights and ideas on how business can support children’s rights. Your support has been vital.
Now, it is time to look ahead: In the next 10 years, how can Global Child Forum become even more relevant? How can we help more businesses change children’s lives for the better? And what new opportunities need to be identified and explored? This, I look forward to discussing with you today.
Once again, a warm welcome!