H.M. Konungens tacktal vid middag i samband med firandet av Internationella Handelskammarens 100-årsjubileum
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Madam Commissioner,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like thank our host, ICC, for today’s seminar and for a most enjoyable evening!
As patron of ICC Sweden, I am delighted to see so many prominent representatives of Swedish enterprise gathered for this occasion.
Today’s speakers have certainly made a compelling case for the value of openness and free trade – not only for enterprises, but for prosperity and peace.
Every business, whether large or small, is part of a greater community. And they hold a tremendous power to change it for the better.
Ladies and gentlemen, I now and then have the privilege of promoting Swedish enterprise – most notably during incoming and outgoing state visits. It is always an honour. I am proud to see Swedish ideas and solutions find their way out into the world.
Through the years I have seen many examples of how trade brings countries and companies together, forming the basis of friendships and partnerships.
To that, and to the centennial jubilee of the ICC, I now propose a toast.