H.M. Konungens tal vid invigning av MAX IV-laboratoriet i Lund


(Det talade ordet gäller)

Today we inaugurate MAX IV. A unique facility, providing the brightest X-ray source in the whole world.

Here, many different actors in public and private sectors have joined hands. Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia are all represented among them. This joint investment will benefit not only this region, but the whole global society.

It is a well-established fact that the challenges we face today are seldom limited by national borders. Instead, they are often truly global.

This is especially true when it comes to environmental concerns like climate change, pollution and declining biodiversity.

These challenges are global. They affect us all. And they also demand of us that we cooperate across borders.

Therefore, it is very encouraging to see that MAX IV is attracting interest from scientists all over the world.

I really look forward to follow their work in the coming years. And to learn about ground breaking developments in areas like, for example, water treatment and energy efficiency.

To build a sustainable future, we need to develop new materials that are environmentally friendly. For example, by inventing new products based on the Swedish forest. I am glad that important steps in that direction will be taken here, with industry and academia in close cooperation.

Now, the light has returned. But before we can turn on the accelerator we need to close the doors to the storage ring.

I will therefore ask Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Director Doctor Christoph Quitmann to join me and help me close the last open door, over here.