H.M. Drottningens tal vid konferensen Towards Childhoods free from Corporal Punishment
Wien, Österrike
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Dear Excellences,
dear Ministers,
I would like to start by thanking the Austrian Government for the kind invitation and for hosting this very important event.
In 2014 we met in Stockholm for the first high level conference on how to give children a childhood free from corporal punishment. Today, we continue the dialogue.
The international community is making decisive progress. Last September, 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by world leaders at the United Nations. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.
These goals and targets are the core of Agenda 2030. They represent a commitment by all nations to work together to end poverty, build peace and secure a life of dignity and a healthy planet for all.
Many of the targets focus on ending violence against children, as well as the use of children in labour and combat.
I am very proud that my daughter, Crown Princess Victoria, has been appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as one of sixteen Advocates to promote these Global Goals.
As an Advocate she is expected to promote the messages and encourage partnerships with governments, the private sector and civil society for achieving the Global Goals.
Across the world, children face unacceptable levels of violence – both physical and psychological.
Every year at least one billion children are exposed to violence. Within the Agenda 2030, world leaders have made a specific commitment to end all abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against children.
This means that right now, we have a historic opportunity to unite all countries behind a global movement to protect children from all forms of violence.
Together, international organisations, governments and civil society organisations have initiated a Global Partnership to end violence against children. I am especially glad that the Swedish government has taken an active role in the work to establish this Partnership.
I think we all wish we didn’t have to be here – that there was no violence against children to be discussed. But, unfortunately, that is not the case. At least not yet.
I have great hope that this conference will bring us several steps closer to universal prohibition of corporal punishment.
Thank you.