H.M. Konungens middagstal, Baden Powell Fellowship Event
Switzerland, Zürich
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Your Majesty, Excellencies, Dear Baden Powell Fellows,
Dear Friends,
It is a pleasure for The Queen and me to be with you here in Switzerland.
The World Scout Foundation support young people in the poorer countries of the world to do amazing things. Among the first donors to the Foundation was Bill Campbell. He is the father of Mrs Margot Bogert, one of our board members here tonight.
The work that Bill and his friends did was to invest in some inspired scout leaders in the Africa region. Some years ago, Klaus Jacobs and his Jacobs´ Foundation, did exactly the same thing.
I have been inspired by what Bill and Klaus have done. Their work is a role model and very worthwhile. They are true leaders!
And they have proofed that their energy, enthusiasm and volunteer efforts are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
In West Africa today, international organizations rely on Scouts to get help with the prevention work concerning the spread of Ebola. We have heard from Rwanda and Burundi and their peace building work. And our friends in Ethiopia have done a very good work to support their communities.
In Kenya, Scouts are doing a wonderful work with street kids in the slum. Many young people, who normally would end up in crime or poverty, were so inspired by Scouting that they now are in education. That is gratifying results!
Earlier this year I visited Manila and experienced this impressive kind of work. In the Philippines we also visited a typhoon affected area. The Scouts have done a lot to support disaster affected communities there.
Mrs Margot Bogert is here tonight. And 30 years after her father started supporting Scouting in Africa she can see the difference he made.
So, like Bill Campbell´s or Klaus Jacobs´ support, your investment today will assure the future leaders for this continent!
Friends, Scouting makes a difference throughout the world. We have heard from our friends in Africa what our support can do to improve life circumstances!
In Africa today, there is a lot of hope. But they need our support. Go and visit them in the field, and help them do their work even better. Be prepared!
Thank you!