H.M. Konungens tal vid öppnandet av seminariet "The Sustainability Leadership Challenge", Naturliga Steget
(Det talade ordet gäller)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Ever since the establishment of the Natural Step I have had the possibility to closely follow its plans, activities and results. And I must say that I am glad to see its development.
During eighteen years of research a framework of overall principles for sustainability has been created. Also the guidelines of how to get there have been pinpointed. By means of a learning dialogue a unique model has been created.
But words, models and theories are not enough. Now the time has come for us to move to a further level, from the coaching of different organizations to applying the framework for making cross-sector cooperation easier.
And this is what this workshop is all about. It should be seen as the launching of the working plan. Therefore the Natural Step has chosen to invite you to this seminar, experts who are also capable of acting, and who can make things happen.
We are all in need of good role models in our personal and professional lives. Not least within the vital field of working for a sustainable human society the good examples are more necessary than ever.
I am sure that all of you share my view in this respect and therefore are anxious to listen to what will be brought forward today. I sincerely hope we will leave this meeting with feelings of hope and clarification. And with a wish to go forward.
Therefore, as the Patron of the Natural Step, I feel proud to open the seminar on The Sustainability Leadership Challenge.